Wednesday, 8 August 2012

A French twist...

Well I'm back at it again, leaving my wee envelopes in small businesses. I like to support small businesses and in a way this is free advertising for them. Buuuut in all honesty it's more interesting leaving my wee envelopes in small business because they have a lot more character and attract and a rather more varied bunch of people. This then leads me onto where I left my last envelope...quite literally hanging around...

Location: The Kilted Frog
More commonly known as: 'the french man place'

Despite opening around four years ago most people I know still call The Kilted Frog, the french mans place or shop, this is of course because it is run by a lovely french man named: Patrick. It's a great wee place with a lovely atmosphere and very friendly staff :) In other words, the perfect place to leave one of my wee envelopes! As it's pretty much always jam packed in there (no surprise considering the great service and produce) I didn't have to be super sly with this one...henceforth after a good coffee and a chat with my mum and one of her friends I left one of my envelopes is is:

I have to admit: it's not one of my best envelopes in terms of design..I have done a lot better one's for sure. Hooowever, it has a pretty darn good location (and I don't just mean The Kilted Frog, check it out:

It's not just in a fantastic wee's in the window!! Can you spot it?! 

I wonder how long it will take before someone realises it's not decoration and carries it off..?

All in all rather pleased with todays envelope. :) If you found this one or one of my other ones then let me know, even better if you have sent it on, tell me all about it. Who was it to, why and did you put anything inside?!

One more BIG UP for The Kilted Frog. One of my favourite places.

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