Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Been in the kitchen section of B&Q recentley...

So with the help of my lovely brother..who was my 'eyes' for this trip I wandered around the Kitchen Section of B&Q and tried not to get too distracted by all the 'soft close' drawers and cupboards while I tried to find a place for my newest tortoise envelope...

We eventually came accross a relitively hidden 'kitchen', that we also thought didn't look too bad...not quite my taste but not terrible...anyway I digress...It took me a wee while to find the right place for him as you can see...

....I tried by the sink...but something didn't feel quite right... I thought on top of the workshop would be perfet...but he was a wee bit overshadowed by the massive red price signs behind him... first I tried to put him in a cupboard but that was so terrible I didn't even take a photo and rescued the wee guy straight away! 

Thus he landed on the outside of the lovely red cupboard...he seems to like it up there...what do you think?


  1. Replies
    1. Aww me too, but he's actually supposed to be a tortoise..just like mine :) I'm glad you like it though.


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