So I decided that the things I have been sending out are getting a bit too serious and not very personal. So I decided to add a little more of myself to the envelopes. Both of these pieces are photocopies of my what I hope is a handshake position - not an easy position to get your arm into in a photocopier believe me!
With the above piece I decided to include a letter, which you can see below. I decided to keep it anonymous the same as all the other pieces, perhaps just to make the recipient curious.
Now before any of you start thinking I've stopped making each piece an individual original (that's a mouthfull), think again, although this looks similar to the above one it is different, that is even a seperate (and slightly different) photocopy of my hand.
I reckoned this one needed something more so I put a message on the back to but no message inside. I think sometimes less is more.
However both of course were sent with a self addressed envelope inside...*fingers crossed* someone's curious enough to reply!