Tuesday, 31 July 2012

New town, new locations...

Rightho, here we go..new town means new locations for my envelopes and a bit more of a challenge seeing as people know me here, so keeping the anonymity is a little difficult. 
However here's the newest one:

I left this one in Booths electrical store...I was most definitely spotted by the sales assisstant as she came over and tried to see if I needed any help...either that or she thought I was shoplifting...woops. I'm fairly certain as soon as I left she will have picked this one up *fingers crossed* she put it back or kept it for herself rather than throwing it away. At least she will have realised I wasn't shoplifting haha!

I was originally going to leave this one beside some of the colourful kettle's but they turned out to be right in front of the sales desk so I decided not to...they were some pretty awesome looking kettles though! 

Now here's where you can help me...my idea's for locations for the envelopes are getting a little thin on the ground..i don't like putting the envelopes to too similar places as then it all gets a bit boring and as the weather here is so terrible it's basically impossible to leave them outside....do you have any location ideas?
It does't even matter if you don't live near here or even in Scotland i will welcome any ideas that you have!

Please drop me a comment or email... :)

Monday, 30 July 2012

A Temporary Neighbour..

Well that's me just back from an island in the outer hebrides. I'm afriad to say that I forgot to take any of my wee envelopes with me, sadly this means I have no new photo's for you all! However I did manage to leave some of me wee cards with pictures of the envelopes on and this blogs address, so hey ho I might still have managed to get some more people involved eh? :)

I may not have been able to leave any of my envelopes around and encourage other people to get in touch with their neighbours BUT I did meet one of my (temporary) neighbours and gave her one of my postcards...the story goes a little like this...

My car broke down and needed to be fixed a few days into the holiday leaving my boyfriend and myself without any transport, this was a bit of an issue as we really needed to do some food shopping (we were staying in a family holiday home and hadn't come as prepared as we thought we had). My boyfriend went around to our neighbour, Alison's to see if she had the number for a taxi as the co-op was miles and miles away... she kindly offered to give us a lift as she was thinking of going anyway. This was fantastic news of course. That night we made poffertjes (a kind of dutch pancake) and as a thank-you we put some of the best ones on a plate and took them round to Alison in the morning, she in turn invited us around for dinner the next night. As it turns out our new neighbour is a fantastic cook and we had a very good meal and some excellent conversation. I even left her house with the loan of a book by an author I really like.

Alison said that I was welcome to hold onto the book until the next time I came to the island (we was leaving the day after), however I felt this would be a little rude...this is where one of my postcards came in. I wrote a thank-you from both of us on the back and my address incase she wanted to 'chivvy me along' with the book and also brought her half of my banana bread loaf. (I had tried to make in time for going to dinner.) When we took these round Alison kindly insisted that we come in, despite the fact that she had guests. The result was another great night and a lot of very good conversation :) I wouldn't hesitate to say that these two nights were one of the highlights of my trip!

I left with the address and the promise of returning the book when I had finished it and of course the possibility of keeping in touch...I couldn't be happier :)

You do good things for your neighbours and you get good things in return.

Any neighbours, no matter for what length of time they are your neighbours, are important people.